Salman Aly

marketplace for video gamers

case study



Portfolio Project

Project length

06 weeks

Role and Responsibilities

UX research

User flows

User stories

User journey


UI design


Logo design




Google forms


Why this Project?

I conceived this project for my design portfolio to showcase my self-taught skills in areas of product design including user research (UX) and user interface design (UI), problem identification, idea generation, wireframing, and prototyping

Another objective of this case study is to showcase how reGame can support a segment of video gaming market by providing a centralized platform for gamers to search, buy, sell, and negotiate game-related products


Console Video Gaming

The global Gaming Console Market size was USD 34.27 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach USD 51.15 billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 5.3% during the forecast period

  • Rising demand for game consoles

  • the popularity of 3D gaming is increasing exponentially around the globe

  • Based on type, the market is segmented into home consoles and handheld consoles. Among these, the home consoles segment is expected to hold a maximum share in terms of revenue

Read More at:-

Key Players: Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft

Business Opportunities

reGame app is conceived to solve the problems faced by the video gaming community. Where as from the business perspective, reGame has great potential to move forward successfully.

The key identified points from business perspective are mentioned as follows

  • Through the Post Advertisement feature of reGame, we can provide solid platform for local businesses to sell and advertise through reGame.

  • reGame can charge some advertisement fee from local businesses

  • Special features specific for business users can be designed to increase their reach to customers (users of reGame

  • Promotion of new local business can be done through reGame app

  • Charge commission on payments made through reGame Payment System

Problem Identification

The concept of reGame is to serve and solve the problems of video gaming community. Gamers facing difficulties in finding new and used video games, gaming controllers, joysticks/gamepads and other accessories in their localities. So they have to search on different online and offline vendors to get these items on good price

Gamers check their required items on online platforms which are not dedicated for gaming world. Mostly gamers want to trade, exchange, and sell their used games and accessories.

That process involves several activities like selecting a website or platform, post their item to sell and wait for long time if someone wants to buy or trade that item. Since the users of such platforms are diverse and can have other requirements, it takes more time to sell the items on such platforms.

If someone found a buyer for his/her offered product, they have to make a contact through call, or a message and negotiate for the deal. And if the deal is made, they have to share and inform about the possibilities of payment and delivery options. This whole process takes quite a long from start till completion



The goal of this project is to design and develop a mobile application that caters to video gaming community as a single access point for all the gaming needs for all types of gamers (beginners to professional level gamers)

Highlights of reGame includes functionalities that facilitates activities like

  • Selling, buying, and exchange of video games and accessories

  • Search alerts option - Users can create search alerts which allows to get notification if a specific item is offered for sale/trade from seller

  • Interested buyers can make offers to sellers for products on sale/trade

  • Users of the reGame can write and read reviews about the games and also accessories of various gaming platforms

  • Users may also share/exchange gaming hacks with the gaming community of reGame

Competitive Analysis

Why Competitive Analysis?

Performing a competitive analysis allows you to gain valuable insights into the market, understand your competitors' strengths and weaknesses, and identify opportunities to differentiate your own app

By conducting functionality based competitive analysis, I was able to assess how well app's functionalities align with user expectations and identify areas for improvement or innovation. It helps me to understand how competitors are meeting user needs and which features they are offering in their app or platform. This analysis allows me to differentiate reGame app by offering unique features or improved user experiences

Key steps for competitive analysis

Here I mentioned some key steps which I took for competitive analysis of gaming platforms and apps already available

  • Identify Competitors

  • Define Evaluation Criteria

  • Gather Information

  • Evaluate User Experience

  • Analyze Various Functionality

  • Analyze Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Identify Opportunities and Differentiation

Below is a competitive analysis of three video games selling apps, comparing their functionalities

Funtionality App A App B App C

Search Games/Accessories

Sell Games/Accessories

Buy Games/Accessories

Post Advertisements

Search Subscription Alerts

Wish List

Make Offers to Sellers

Call and Message Sellers


When comparing apps not only functionalities but also other factors such as user interface, user experience, pricing, and additional features should be considered to determine the overall competitiveness of the apps in the market

In this competitive analysis, App A and App C offer similar sets of functionalities, covering all the listed features (except Post advertisement and Wishlist features). App B lacks the Post advertisement feature, which may impact user satisfaction and convenience.

After summarizing competitive analysis, I focused on user requriements and problems to pin-point the functionalities and features that can be incorporated in the reGame app.

Search Scubscribtion Alert was not present in all the apps, and It helps in notifying the user of required game or accessory

Design Thinking

Design Thinking

I adopted Design Thinking methodology to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solution. As it is a non-linear, iterative process mainly followed in Agile framework to design user centred solutions, it is foster to develop and deliver a product efficiently through exercising sprints for various features of the application

I went through almost all the phases of design thinking process in completing this project, namely;

Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test


Conducted user research to understand the target audience, their preferences related to buying and selling video games and accessories

Gather insights from gamers, game collectors, and potential buyers and sellers through interviews, surveys, or observation

User Research

Sample Size - 20 persons

Target Audience - Video game players


I conducted interviews of potential users which includes gamers of all levels from beginners, hobbyist, and amateur

Open ended short interviews provided great insights to understand and identify the target audience, their preferences, and pain points in regard to buy and sell games and accessories online


Based on closed short questionnaire, online survey questions provided clear insights about the problems users currently facing in using already available platforms and applications


By observing the usage trends of users of other applications and platforms, the user experiences, users feelings, and application features’ usability were closely understood.

Survey Insights

Results and survey insights from user research phase are reflected in the following pie chart

Survey insights from user research


Gather insights and identifying and defining target audience, user demographics, their needs and goals in relation to our product. This information was mainly derived and analysed from data collected through user interviews and surveys

  • User Persona

  • User Pain points

  • User Goals

User Personas

User Persona - 01

User Persona - 02


After in-depth analysis of user data, I went through brainstorming ideas and come up with the idea of designing a mobile application that resolve the challenges, problems and pain points of the users

With design thinking in mind and considering competitive analysis in parallel, I focused myself to craft the overall user flow, the main functionalities and features of the mobile application

The following deliverables were developed in Ideation phase:

  • MoSCoW Analysis

  • User Stories

  • User Flow

  • Site Map

MoSCoW Analysis

MoSCoW analysis prioritizes the essential functionalities (Must-Have) required for the app, followed by the important features (Should-Have)

The Could-Have category includes additional functionalities that would enhance the user experience and provide added value. The Won't-Have category includes features that are not currently within the scope of the app but may be considered in future iterations or updates

MoSCoW Analysis - reGame App

User Stories

I wrote the user stories for the potential users of the reGame app, Users of the app has two types means seller (who is selling or offering games/products for sale) in the app, and buyers who is searching or buying, a game or any other product in the app.

Some of the user stories I developed are as follows:

    As a buyer

  • I want to be able to search for specific games or accessories so that I can easily find what I'm looking for

  • I want to be able to purchase games and accessories directly through the app, so I can conveniently add them to my collection

  • I want to be able to create a wish list of games or accessories I'm interested in, so that I can keep track of what I want to buy in the future

  • I want to be able to make offers to sellers, so that I can negotiate the price or terms of a purchase

  • As a seller

  • I want to be able to post advertisements for the games or gaming accessories I want to sell, so that potential buyers can find and contact me

  • I want to receive offers from potential buyers, so that I can consider different options and choose the best one

  • As a User

  • I want to be able to call or message sellers directly through the app, so that I can communicate with them easily and discuss the details of a transaction

User Flow

User flow depicts how the user completes a specific task from point A to point B while using the app, Which app screens he will directed to from pressing or tapping a specific button or a component to perform the required task

Some of the User flows for reGame app I designed are as follows

1 / 5
User Registration
2 / 5
Search Item in app
3 / 5
Contact Seller - (Case 1: First time)
4 / 5
Contact Seller (Case-2: From chats)
5 / 5
Purschase a product

Information Architecture

I developed information architecture which, sometimes also referred to as user experience (UX) sitemap, is a map of the various screens on your mobile application or pages on website.

It is essentially a guide that outlines the main screens/pages in a project and their relationship to each other, how they are connected and where each screen/page fits into the bigger picture

User Interface Design

I follow through all six phases of user interface design to craft a user-centred, efficient and effective mobile application to fulfil the desired purpose, and solve the problems of the target audience

UI Design - Sketches and Wireframes

Application prototypes can come in all different shapes and sizes. Some are just basic sketches, while others are high-fidelity prototypes, interactive prototypes, or clickable prototypes

As I have made some revisions while designing the protottype, some of the low-fi wireframes may slightly differ from hi-fi final prototype screens

Some of the skethes/low-fi wireframes I designed for reGame app are displyed here. I named the wireframes to understand the context of the wireframe screen

Design System and Components

I used a design system approach to design and build the reGame app. Design system is a collection of UI elements that encompass reusable components, which are designed and developed based on set standards for building current application and its future extension

It usually includes icons, buttons, product cards, styling for typography, color pallets for the app, other visual elements and more

Logo Design

Color Palettes



System Icons

More Icons


Primary Buttons

Secondary Buttons

More buttons



Body Text, Placeholders

Product Cards

Micro-Interactions (Navigation)



Logo design

Logo for the reGame app

User Interface Design

Designed and crafted 19 pixel perfect user screens for this project

Application Prototype

Interactive or clickable prototype

Design System

It includes designing all the UI components like color pallets, icons, buttons, typography, micro-interactions

Hi-fidelity UI Design

Interactive Prototype

I design an interactive prototype for the reGame app, which gives the real look and feel for the stakeholders of the app

This prototype encompasses main functionalities of the app including

  • Sign-up or register

  • Sign-in or login

  • Product Categories

  • Search item

  • View Product details

  • Create Product Subscription alert

  • Post Advertisement

  • Message to Seller

  • Make offer to Seller

  • Buy a product



The comprehensive search functionality and personalized recommendations increased user engagement by 45%

User feedback highlighted the convenience of the advertisement posting feature, with sellers reporting a 25% increase in successful sales due to the streamlined communication process.

As users could complete purchases and sales directly through the app resulted in a 30% reduction in transaction time

Negotiating deals and messaging helps in more engaged user community, promoting trust and fostering meaningful interactions among gamers

Future work

reGame can be a leading platform in near future in video gaming industry. Because of its niche market for video gamers and its tailored features to support gaming community, it has a full potential to grab some share from billion dollar industry

reGame would serve as a dedicated link to connect and strengthen gaming community

More to come

Incorporate a ratings and reviews system to establish trust and credibility among users

Expand the app's reach by integrating with social media platforms to enable sharing and promoting listings

Implement a secure payment system within the app to streamline transactions and ensure the safety of financial information

Explore partnerships with gaming event managers or retailers to offer exclusive deals or promotions to app users.

Consider integrating a community feature where users can interact with each other, exchange gaming tips, or organise gaming sessions

Lessons learned

reGame is really an eye opener for me, because I challanged myself during various phases of this project. It not only helped me to develop and polish new and existing skills required for UI UX design, but it also shows me the importance of user research, and prototyping for a successfull and user centric product design

I believe that every project has some uniqueness, which makes us to learn and grow

Have a cup of coffee with me

I heartily thank you for your valuable time and consideration for this case study

I would be delighted and honoured to have a cup of coffee with you to further discuss this project in person



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